Wednesday, July 9, 2008

cleaning night!

Well, It's good to be back on my Cyber spotlight where I have the liberty to speak out whatever it is that's bugging my "tinee-tiny" head! haha..yeahh..well, things are quite busy these days because of my a somehow demanding core course where I have to practice most of the time in computing the damn hard problems! But still, life is sweet as it is despite of the bitterness of pressure trying to conquer me. I mean, even though I'm sucking all the Maths and Accounting problems every week to improve my brain's logical capacity, I always have a spare moment to unwine and hang out with my roomies.
7Th of July was my Jene's (it's a Kyrgyz word I love to call her) 19Th birthday. We decided to have a small dinner like how we usually celebrate birthdays. And yeahh..I know another year older, which we actually bother to count every single moment in our lives even though we practically know we'll be older as it's nature.
And just as we came back from having our dinner, merrily laughing as we climb up in the stairs, when suddenly, our room Mushrifa reminded us for the room clean-up operation for tomorrow. Gosh! Why does she has to ruin the time of our lives? Well, anyway..she ought to remind us..coz some people really need to be reminded--like somebody I know.
So, we cleaned to room in the night we agreed to do so. We divided ourselves into 3 teams: 1 team in the toilet, 1 in the bed room and 1 in the study room. I was ready to clean the toilet when a beaming Jo came up to me, almost wanted to say: "I'll do it!", and so i chose the study room instead. We removed all our belongings under our beds and in the study room to make way for the brooms to sweep away the stock of dusts that's scattered around our full house. And yeahh, there are like 20 of us in the room now, let me tell you.
We were all taking our time wiping and brushing whatever that it is that we have to wipe and brush, when a girl as skinny as ever whom we always call SG (and darling, the meaning will always be a secret i'll never tell), asked if she can leave already coz she has a meeting. And the thought of looking for D was brought up since she's the 2nd skinniest girl in the room. Where she is? God knows. Can you imagine 19 of your roomies are cleaning, 1 left for another important business, and you're no where to be found doing you thing--knowing that you have to with them cleaning? Oh boy--shame!
So mush for D's laziness. We sweep and mop, sweep and mop the floor in the bed room--and lastly, we brushed it. Yes, you read it right, we brushed it. Actually it was an 11th hour discussion that they want to walk bare foot inside the bed room, so, they themseleves volunteered to brush it thoroughtly. Then that means--SHOES OFF! I salute them. They're really hard working. Shame on me coz I never knew!
In roughly 2 hours, we're proud enough to say that our room in newly polished. Oh God, it feels good to feel clean. Everyone automatically arranged back their things to where they belong. The mats, the bed sheets, the shoes--specially the shoes. Then for a moment I felt really tired! haha..
But it was all worth it. All the sweat and dusts are all worth it! Our room is cleaner than ever now! Compared to the first we cleaned it.
I'm satisfied.