Friday, January 16, 2009

lazing around..

Exams are done and I'm just simply hanging around in my room listening to loud echoes of Russian words, I could never compete from speaking plain English. Things has been quite fast this semester and my parents can barely wait for me going home. God, I was having this group discussion in the library with my Economics classmates when my sister rang me just to ask if I got her a Malay comic book already. And my brother on the other hand is having PMS. Well,'s so wrong to describe him that way but he's really grumpy these days that when Hanie passed the phone to him, he just quickly mumbled stuffs over the phone without hearing me say anything. Rude much? Well, I understand engineering is not that easy, but por pabor, you don't wanna be old in this early age, right?

Anyways, Midterm is done and I've been expecting crazy assignments and frustrating deadlines soon. Yeah, I know, the life of a student. Sad, huh? *sob*

This blog is getting really boring - I can feel it - and I don't know when this would be updated again but this won't be the last update, I swear - if laziness won't conquer me! *laughs*

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